Terragrunt is a thin wrapper that provides extra tools for keeping your configurations DRY, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state. In this blog post I will show you how you can use Terragrunt to easily structure and configure your VPC environment on top of AWS.
This module assumes that you know the AWS VPC fundamentals. It will provision three tiers of subnets, public & private, and Elastic IPs for the VPC’s NAT Gateways.
In this post we will provision a VPC by using Terragrunt in which later we will use to provision an EKS cluster and a few services such as ALB Ingress, EFS etc.
The following infrastructure contains:
- Environment variables → the variables to be used along the provisioning
- Module → the VPC resource
- Infra → the variables to be set to the module
Configure the AWS credentials
The first thing to be done is the AWS credentials. Before you do anything, make sure to check the aws CLI configure command.
The following example shows sample values:
$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
Make a storage bucket
Create a unique Cloud Storage Bucket in order to store the infrastructure state that is made by Terragrunt:
export BUCKET="devops-workshop-$(uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket "${BUCKET}"
Define the environment variables module
To deploy the VPC
module, create an environment variables of your infrastructure:
Inside of terragrunt.hcl
, configure your AWS provider, the remote state and the Infrastructure settings:
Replace the <ACCOUNT_ID> with your account ID:
Define the VPC module
Configure the VPC resource that you are using:
For example:
Setup the VPC resource of the infrastructure
Configure the variables of your VPC resource:
└ vpc
For example:
Deploy the infrastructure
Full example can be found Here:
git clone https://github.com/naturalett/terragrunt.git
cd terragrunt
terragrunt init
cd infra/vpc
terragrunt apply
Congratulations, your VPC just got deployed. If you find yourself in a situation where Terraform is the engine of choice, and you want Infrastructure as a code, you cannot go wrong with Terragrunt.
What we will do next…
There are more resources and services to provision. In the next post I will share more infrastructure examples, such as:
- EKS & nodeGroups
- EFS & Metrics-server & Kubernetes-dashboard
- Airflow
- NLB & Ingress & ALB