Slack for CI/CD Pipelines — Using Groovy

Discover how to leverage the power of Slack integration in Jenkins pipelines to deploy intricate pipelines, facilitate team coordination, and enhance visibility. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating Slack channels into your Groovy pipelines. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to establish an efficient system that promotes effective communication, notifies teams about updates, and fosters collaboration throughout the development process.

In this post, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on integrating Slack channels into your groovy pipelines.

Now, let’s delve into the step-by-step process of integrating Slack with our pipeline. We’ll use Jenkins and the pipeline skeleton that we created in our previous blog post to complete the integration.


  • A virtual machine with a docker engine

Here are the steps one takes in order to achieve Slack integration within Jenkins:

  • Launch Jenkins
  • Apply Jenkins App For Your Slack Workspace
  • Install Slack Plugin in Jenkins
  • Configure Slack Plugin in Jenkins
  • Build a pipeline that includes sending messages to Slack

Launch Jenkins

docker run -d \
--name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -u root -p 50000:50000 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

If you’re looking for assistance with setting up Jenkins in a Docker container, I encourage you to visit my YouTube channel, where you’ll find detailed tutorials and valuable insights. Feel free to subscribe for regular updates:

Apply Jenkins App For Your Slack Workspace

To enable Slack notifications through the Jenkins pipeline, the first step is to install the Jenkins app.

Let’s proceed with the following steps:

  • Browse to the Jenkins app
    https://<your workspace>
  • Press Add to Slack
  • Choose a channel to post
    For example: Create a Slack channel of #jenkins
  • Add Jenkins CI integration

Once the final step of adding Jenkins CI integration is completed, we will proceed with the setup instructions.

Install Slack Plugin in Jenkins

After successfully creating the Jenkins App in your Slack workspace, the next step is to open Jenkins and install the Slack Notification plugin. This plugin will provide the necessary functionality to send Slack messages seamlessly through your pipelines.

Let’s proceed with the following steps:

  • Browse in Jenkins to install the Slack Notification Plugin
    Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available plugins: search for Slack Notification
  • Allow Jenkins to restart after the installation process
    To retrieve the initial password of Jenkins, you can execute the following command: docker exec jenkins bash -c -- 'cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword'

Configure Slack Plugin in Jenkins

Next, we will proceed with configuring the plugin in Jenkins.

Browse in Jenkins to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System and find the Slack section and add the following values:

  • Workspace — Enter the name of your workspace.
  • Credentials —Create a secret text credential in Jenkins, using the token provided by Slack.

Build a pipeline that includes sending messages to Slack

Now that we have successfully integrated Slack with Jenkins, let’s construct a pipeline that will send a post-success message to our Slack channel #jenkins once the build completes successfully. The message can include pertinent details about the pipeline and the corresponding build number.

Let’s proceed with the following steps:

  • Create a pipeline job — let’s name it my-first-pipeline-slack

Add the following Pipeline script:

pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Clone') {
steps {
git branch: 'main', url: ''
post {
success {
script {
slackSend(channel: "jenkins", message: "my-first-pipeline-slack passed successfully")



In Jenkins, we delve into an additional aspect that enables seamless integration with external tools, fostering enhanced visibility between the pipeline workflow and developers. By populating the results in a shared Slack channel, developers can gain transparency throughout the product lifecycle and actively contribute to the product process, thereby boosting productivity.

Are you looking to enhance your DevOps skills and learn how to implement continuous integration using Jenkins container pipelines? Join my course, where you’ll gain practical experience in various pipeline scenarios and master production skills. Take the first step towards becoming a DevOps expert today.

Hands-On Mastering DevOps — CI and Jenkins Container Pipelines

If you prefer a hands-on demonstration of the setup, you can watch the following YouTube video:

Level Up Coding

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