Latest Book
Deploying For Success : Advanced Strategies, Techniques, And Design In DevOps
Powerful Tools: Discover a selection of open-source tools that will enhance your proficiency in software deployment. Dive into Docker Engine and Docker Compose to understand the process of building and running local images before deploying to production environments.
Table of Contents
Setting Up Your Workstation Environment: Configure a stable and standardized cloud-based workstation environment using AWS Cloud9.
Introduction to VPC and Its Key Components: Explore the foundational concepts of AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and its components.
Introduction to EKS and Its Key Components: Delve into Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and its essential components using Terragrunt for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) provisioning.
Provision a Production-Ready EKS: Construct a production-ready EKS cluster, complete with EFS, Node Group, and nginx integration.
Docker Image Strategies and Containerized App Development: Optimize Docker image builds and delve into the meticulous planning of containerized applications.
Deployment Strategies and Techniques – From Local to Production: Investigate various deployment techniques, from running Docker locally to exploring Blue/Green and Canary deployments.
Wrapping Up and Staying Engaged: Learn how to clean up infrastructure, deploy it with a single command, and stay connected.